Monday, April 27, 2009

Family and Friends

All FIVE of my siblings were able to be together in San Diego for my brother's wedding. There is a strong bond between each one of us. Through the highs and the lows there is a safety net among us. Whenever we get several of us together there are always tears, that is tears of laughter. I don't know what it is about siblings, but when we get together something will happen and the next thing you know we are laughing so hard we end up with sore faces, bellies, and tears streaming down our faces. You know the kind of laugh that is almost silent because you are in so much agony from such a great laugh! Thank you Brent, Jason, Marnie, Kirt, and Kylie for always being there. Thank you for not only being my family, but also my friend.


Pam said...

Fun pics! You sisters look so much alike!

Rachel said...

Ahhh- makes me miss my sissies! Glad you all had such a memorable time. What did you do in San Diego- did you visit any of the amusement parks?

Jason said...

Very nice comments about the family, sis. hope all is well.
your coolest sibling. ;)

Heather said...

What a cute family you have! How have you been? It's been forever! Thank heaven for blogs so we can keep in touch... :) My blog is private, but send me your e-mail address and I'll send you an invite.

Your long lost cousin...

lund family said...

How fun! How did I miss that you came from a large family? I'm praying our kiddos will be that close when they grow up - so far so good!