We met the Smiths shortly after our move to Alaska in 2000 when we were both eight months pregnant with Hannah and Ella. They are an incredible family who will forever hold a special place in each one of our hearts. Thank you Pam and Tom for the incredible example of a strong and faithful family. Thanks Pam for the many experiences we have shared, including a total of seven pregnancies and over ten years of friendship. Thank you Ella and Claire for the laughter and moments you have had with Hannah and Mayah. Thomas and Owen, someday I will allow you to fight over Alese!!!
Didn't know I needed a good cry today.... Thank you friend!!!! We miss you oodles & bunches too!!!
More great pics on the Spakousky blog. Stac, you are best photog-mommy around. Such a sweet post. I totally cried and I don't even know those nice people :-) I miss you, lady.
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